Some Portland History in Photographs

One of my favorite activities on lazy summer days is to rummage through antique stores for interesting old photographs. I especially like photographs that originated somewhere close to home, i.e in the Pacific Northwest or somewhere near Portland. I thought it would be fun to share some of my recent favorites and I hope you will find them equally as interesting as I do! 

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Number One.

This photograph has got to be one of my favorite antique store finds of all time. Most people reading this will recognize the infamous Mt. Saint Helens eruption of 1980. On the back of the photograph, someone wrote with ball point pen May 18th, 1980, which of course is the date the volcano blew. One really gets a sense of the scale and the immense power of a volcanic eruption and I can only imagine what it must have been like to be standing in that spot watching all the ash and smoke rising up into the sky. 

Number Two. 

I really like old family photos, and I especially like when they are inscribed. This appears to be some sort of family reunion or a day outing at the McKenzie River, a spot I have been to several times in my life. My favorite person in the photograph is the woman in the top left corner. That regal hat is a complete contrast the to denim overalls worn by the boy right in front of her. 

Number Three.

How classic is this photograph? On the back of the image there is an inscription that reads, Oregon City, 1952. No other clues about who this person is or what in the heck is up with that dog! I have to say I'm rather impressed with the seating bench on the back of that car though. Now that is a feature I wouldn't mind seeing making a comeback on modern automobiles. 

Number Four.

This seems to be a nice little moment captured on film. The back of the photograph is inscribed, Dad and Susan, Longview Washington, 1952. Who knows what the artistic intent was of the photographer but I like how this image has a sort of peek-a-boo quality, like the person holding the camera jumped out of the bushes to sneak an image of this lovely little moment. 

Alexis Kennedy

My name is Alexis Kennedy, welcome to my site! I have a passion for making images wherever and whenever I can. I seek to capture humanity and the world around me with a focus on the figure. Film, digital, pinhole, and instant photography are all fair game for me.

I grew up in the California Bay Area and started taking photography seriously in High School. I was one of the lucky few who had a chance to go to a high school with a working darkroom and a teacher who understood that making images was an art form – care and patience was a necessity in the image making process from start to finish.

Later in life I attended the University of California in Santa Cruz where I received a Bachelors Degree in the History of Art and Visual Culture. After having my fill of the California sunshine I packed up my life and moved to the Pacific Northwest. I quickly found the overcast skies, lush forests, cooler temperatures, and creative communities to be a perfect match for my work.

Over the years I have exhibited my photographs in several galleries and art shows including the Seattle Erotic Arts Festival and Cascade AIDS Project. I’ve published a few books and taught workshops up and down the west coast of the United States. Through this site I’m hoping to share my work and perhaps inspire others along the way.